Praise GOD for another year to have the opportunity to go to the beautiful country of Brazil.
On this trip, the Good News will be demonstrated in many ways. This Team will minister to the orphans, the sick, prayer-walk, visit families and children in favelas (slums), take part in conferences, as well as encourage the Church.
Pray that those they come in contact with will be receptive to the Word and love of God shown.
Christ the Redeemer will truly be on display on this trip through each Missionary.

UPDATE: 7/17/18
The team has arrived in Brazil and, for some, have experienced their first Brazilian McDonalds. The journey here was not as expected, but exactly as God planned. We are preparing to go to the city center to do some evangelism and to have our dinner. Please pray for the health, strength, discernment of the team. Pray that they get a good night’s rest as we prepare to minister at and evangelize around Ondina Presbyterian Church for most of Wednesday. ~Pastor Keith McCullough, Team Leader

UPDATE: 7/18/18
Day one in Brazil was a success! The team touched down and checked into the hotel with no issues. Our first stop was to the cathedral where we worshipped with the people. Then we visited the city center and fellowshipped with the locals by playing double-dutch in the park. We also prayer walked amongst the people. While we were prayer walking we saw homeless people everywhere we looked, people on drugs, prostitutes, and what seemed like a congregation of people with no hope whatsoever. But, as Ashley Farmer said, when we walked through there, we were walking on Holy Ground and people had no choice but to stop in their tracks. After the city center, we saw the theatre and other sights and we went to the mall to get food. When we got back to the hotel we debriefed and fellowshipped amongst ourselves. -Andre Wright, Jr. and Mia Wynn
UPDATE: 7/19/18
The team has completed day two of the trip. The general health of the team is good but there are a couple of throat issues that have developed and could be bathed in prayer. The team ministered today with the Presbyterian Independent church in the area of Santa Maria.
During our time with this church, the team participated in a version of street evangelism where three teams took to the streets, knocking on doors, praying for households, passing out fliers for the evening event, and letting passers by that Jesus loves them (Jesus te ama).
As the teams were coming back a spirit of praise fell upon the team and they began to praise God in song delaying dinner for about 30 minutes. After dinner, another spontaneous praise broke out that included the host musicians and singers. It is always beautiful to hear two different peoples come together; singing in two languages to the same God.
An encouraging and challenging word was preached by Minister Travis (You’re here; now what are you going to do). The service ended with prayers and an evening snack for the road. Tomorrow, the team heads to two orphanages in the morning staying there until the late afternoon.
The team will return to the hotel to prepare for an evening service at another church. Please continue to pray for the health of the team, the cohesiveness of the team, for our time at the orphanage and for healing, deliverance, and broken chains during the evening service.
FYI, the service on Friday will be streamed lived. The service begins circa 6pm EST and can be viewed at
~Pastor Keith McCullough
Day 2 left the entire team full. We started off by exploring the city and indulging in food trucks. Then we caravanned to a church where we split into three groups. The first group evangelized in the neighborhood going door to door. The other two groups evangelized on the streets. The first group was able to pray for a few people and even got invited in a house! We prayed for them and when we finished we found out that it was one woman’s birthday! Praise God! Another group of our missionaries were out in the street evangelizing and witnessing to people. Also flyers were passed out promoting a few church services in the local area. God was truly moving ! ~Andre Wright, Jr. & Mia Wynn
UPDATE: 7/20/18
There’s only one word to describe day 3: Wow. We started the day off by once again splitting into groups and ministering to children. The first group went to an orphanage. The team greatly enjoyed their stay and was able to connect with the children despite the language barriers. Minister Juan shared a word with the children and they prayed for them and they accepted Jesus into their lives by praying the prayer of salvation. Afterwards the missionaries played soccer with the kids and got annihilated in the name of Jesus! The second group went to a children’s center which served as more of a day care for children where they are fed and watched over while their parents are at work. Here, we showed the children the love of God and connected with them through dance and sports. Later on that evening, the entire team went to Pastor Pablo’s church where we worshipped to familiar songs in different languages! Pastor Keith ministered and the Holy Spirit was so heavy in that place. When he offered an Altar call and the missionaries prayed over the people and there was not a dry eye or a silent tongue in that place. People were saved and spoke in the spirit. The anointing was so heavy on the missionaries that on the van ride back to the hotel we got completely drunk in the spirit, praying, praising, crying, and laughing right in Satan’s face. The praises were so strong in that van that we felt that everywhere we drove and everywhere we laid our eyes was on a place or a person that we were taking back for the Kingdom of God. We were completely full and overflowing with praises and the love of our God. We truly are pursuing, advancing, and taking territories!! ~Andre and Mia
UPDATE: 7/22/18
Day 5 update: the team started off the day by going to the favelas. We split into three groups and prayed over the people living there. People were led to Christ, healed, and had burdens lifted. One store owner even made a few sales after the missionaries prayed over her. The people were very inviting and one young man recruited three of his friends after he got prayed for! For the people who did not want prayer or to come out of their homes, a cross marked with holy oil was placed above their doorways. We may not have been able to go inside but the spirit of God knows no boundaries. As Latoya Trussell said, “Every day we’re finding out more and more who we are and what we’re capable of doing.” After working hard and taking territories in the favelas we fellowshipped over a meal with the members of Mt. Moriah church. A smaller group of missionaries went to another church later in the evening where Minister TJ preached and he said that as he spoke he could feel Brazil shaking. Overseer Nick said that in Minister TJ, he saw the same anointing that is on Bishop and Apostle. With our last days in Brazil ahead of us, we have no intentions of slowing down! ~Andre and Mia
UPDATE: 7/23/18
Our last day ministering was one to remember. Half of the group went to CEPA church and ministered to people in the favelas. One young man received Jesus and business owners and others were prayed for. The anointing was so powerful in that place. Next, we fellowshipped over food and worshipped at the evening service with the CEPA congregation. Pastor Keith moved everyone in that place and no one left the same way they came. We felt a very strong connection with the people and even one of the Shalom dancers danced in sync with a CEPA dancer! The other group had service at Mount Moriah community church, and Minister Juan brought a powerful message!! So many people got delivered from strongholds and sicknesses. The healing cloths given to us at Camp Meeting were used to move out all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. It was a very emotional goodbye on our last day of ministry, but God used us in ways we could never imagine. GLORY TO GOD!!!! ~Andre & Mia
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Praise God for using you all mightily! I’m thanking God for manifold wisdom as you carry out your assignment! Apostolic miracles signs and wonders are following you all!
To God Be The Glory!!!
Renewed Strength and Restoration in Christ Jesus Name. AMen.
I praise the mighty name of Jesus for all that you’ve impacted already by allowing God’s presence to move you into this place. Continue trusting in His will and believe Greater works are in store….there is nothing that you can’t do with the Holy Spirit leading you! May the Love, Peace & Joy of Christ continue to strengthen you for your are a chosen priesthood.
We thank God for travelling mercies, to and from Brazil
We also thank God for the seeds planted for future generations to come. May God bless all the missionary teams for the seeds planted for future generations to come.
We trust that God will reward everyone for their effort, time and sacrifice
Bro. Francis