2021 Limuru, Kenya Missionaries

Praise GOD for this long awaited opportunity to return to Limuru, Kenya.  This will be the third trip with Voice of Grace International Ministries.   Just as in the past, we are expecting miracles, signs and wonders.  

We ask for your prayers as we go forth in the name of the LORD to do great exploits.

Please pray for us as we fulfill the following areas of ministry:

  • Pastors and Leadership Conferences
  • Singles and Couples Seminars
  • Women’s Ministry 
  • Food Distribution to needy Families and other forms of ministry

Please return here periodically for updates and also send words of encouragement to the Team.

UPDATE: 8/9/21

Our Limuru Team has arrived safely in Kenya!!  

We landed and met our accommodation house with a line of beautiful girls greeting us with beautiful flowers.  We refreshed quickly and excited as we head off to evening service.

UPDATE 8/10/21

We visited National Park!

UPDATE: 8/11/21

Glory to God! The team had devotion and breakfast with Pastor Dixon and his wife.  They shared their testimony of how they came to Limuru for ministry!  The pastor asked the team to pray and walk the land that the Lord has blessed them with.  In 2019, Voice of Grace prayed over the plans for the building of the new edifice! Since then, they have purchased an acre of land behind the church and the team prayed for increase and abundance to build and buy the land beside them.  The anointing of Mt. Gilead is here at Praise City!  Glory to God!

The team visited the marketplace for one hour to pray for the lost, healing, businesses, and any prayer requests they asked for. Six people gave their life to the Lord and one person received prayer for healing.  The lady had a neck injury where it was very difficult for her to turn her neck. After prayer and agreement, she received supernatural healing and she was able to move her neck from side to side swiftly and aggressively! Glory to God!

UPDATE: 8/12/21

The team visited two orphanages and one school today! Many souls came to the Lord (206 in total). The team gave many items to the children: Bibles, blankets, toiletries, shoes, clothing and many more.  The Lord blessed the children of God tremendously! Hallelujah!

The glory fell as Minister Patricia Taylor and Alfreda Allen allowed the Lord to use them mightily!! The power of God took over the service and there was not one person in the building who did not receive a blessing from the Lord! Healing and deliverance took place and we will never be the same! 

UPDATE 8/13/21

Today was a day we will never forget! The team blessed the community with spiritual and earthly blessings! Pastor Madrine ministered to the community: one accepted Christ, 26 received the Holy Spirit, and over 50 people received prayer for healing! Glory to God!  After ministry, the community was blessed with food and clothing!  It was such a wonderful day! To God be the Glory!

UPDATE 8/14/21

The team participated in a Women’s & Men’s Day program on Saturday! Their lives were forever changed for the glory of God!

UPDATE 8/15/21

The teams went to several churches on Sunday to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ! That day, 112 souls came to the Lord! Hallelujah!  110 salvations during Sunday Children’s Service!!

On Sunday, the team ministered to married couples and singles ministry.  The people were open and they received an anointed impartation by the team!  Pastors John and Patricia Payne led the Marriage Ministry and Minister Cassandra Carter led the singles.

UPDATE 8/18/21

We have landed and in route home, Hallelujah!!!



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